(303) 877-7040

It’s in our nature to connect to some places on this earth — deeply, to our bones — and to hold the stories of experiences there very close to our hearts.  It’s why I hike in the mountains, and choose to climb to the top of the Continental Divide again and again even though it can be brutal to get there.  And it’s why some people choose to mark an important transition in life in the Colorado mountains.  Mountains can be sacred places to us — places where we connect with a power much bigger than our little selves.  And somehow that balances us, makes us whole again, scrubs out the stress and petty distractions and life gets very real.  And then no matter what difficulty you had to go through to get there, you come out the other side smiling and better connected.  It all feels very right.


Deer in the Eagles Nest Wilderness above Copper, photo by Diane.  Wedding photo in the mountains above Keystone, by Phillip Johnson.