by dianeg | Jun 1, 2018 | Diane's hikes, Uncategorized
I like my clients to know something about me. I wrote these words part-way through a 175-mile trek through the desert and Gila River canyon in New Mexico in May 2018. This expresses a lot about why I carve out time to rise early and hike long distances each year....
by dianeg | Jul 2, 2017 | Uncategorized
It’s in our nature to connect to some places on this earth — deeply, to our bones — and to hold the stories of experiences there very close to our hearts. It’s why I hike in the mountains, and choose to climb to the top of the Continental...
by dianeg | Aug 7, 2016 | Diane's hikes, Uncategorized
I heard words this summer that became my mantra during many hours of hiking — mostly in the West Collegiate Range of Colorado, but recently, in Montana with my daughter Grete and son-in-law Zach. Those words seem to me to fit this series of pictures, taken on a...
by dianeg | Feb 4, 2016 | Uncategorized
In January, Diane achieved her Masters Certification as a Life-Cycle Celebrant — the highest level of certification by the Celebrant Foundation & Institute. As of 2016, she is the only Celebrant in Colorado and the entire Rocky Mountain Region to have...
by dianeg | Sep 8, 2015 | Uncategorized, Weddings
Behind every wedding, every graduation, every birth, every milestone achievement, every new job, every retirement, every move to a new home, every memorial service…there is a story. And one of the simplest but most significant ways we can honor someone and the...
by dianeg | Sep 4, 2015 | Uncategorized
Life-Cycle Ceremonies Is there a Milestone coming up in your life? Why not celebrate it with a ceremony personally suited to you. Diane Gansauer, Life-Cycle Celebrant and founder of Lyrical Life Ceremonies, will give a free presentation on Why ceremony has left...